Final Friday is coming soon! My show "From Memory to Memory" is up at the Fiber Studio on Commerce St., Wichita, KS. I am showing 40 works from my 10 year artistic career. Some of them, I had never shown in public venues before. Many of you who became friends with me recently might have seen my installations, but may not be very familiar with my paintings and drawings. In fact, my paintings and drawings have become the base ideas for my installations and vice versa. I have received many questions and comments about the works and personally, I found this show very interesting and meaningful. I know it's hot, but this Final Friday, it seems like many other awesome artist friends are showing their works at various venues as well. If you have time, come out, stop by and say hello to me!

Chiyoko Myose Solo Exhibition
"From Memory to Memory"
Date: July 12 - August 3, 2019
Final Friday: July 26, 6-10 PM
The Fiber Studio & Gallery
418 Commerce, Wichita, KS
Always Open by Appointment or by Chance