Thursday, July 13, 2017

Checking Out the Space in Kansas City

     I went to Kansas City the other day to check out the space where I am going to exhibit my work in August and September.  It is at Mid-America Arts Alliance, M-AAA, on Baltimore Avenue, which is in the Crossroads Art District.  M-AAA is a non-profit organization and they do invitation shows only.

     M-AAA is located within a walking distance from the Union Station.  

     Here is the space that I am going to show my work. It is like a atrium at the entrance of the building, facing the Baltimore Avenue.  It has two levels and staircases on the both flanks.  The facade has big glass windows and doors.   

      I am very excited to be invited to exhibit my work in this beautiful space.  Their invitation was totally unexpected to me. This is going to be my first show in Kansas City!

August 16, 2017 - September 20th, 2017
First Friday Opening:  September 1st, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Place:  Mid-America Arts Alliance
2018 Baltimore Ave, Kansas City, MO, 64108