Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The City Girl Farm's 'When Feathers Come Together" A Global Chicken Collection Opening Reception

      The opening reception of The City Girl Farm's 'When Feathers Come Together' - A Global Chicken Collection - was a blast! Both of my chickens, Eiko and Minako, were there greeting many people with 10 other chickens all brilliantly dressed with their artistic feathers. Congratulations to The City Girl Farm for this over-a-year long incredible project! So thankful for all who worked on this project in many different ways!



I was the only artist who made it to the opening as other artists were overseas. I felt responsible to witness this show for them, too. My husband and I also enjoyed staying at the Crossroads Hotel and their hospitality, in the middle of the Kansas City's Crossroads Art District. Both of my chickens were sold within 10 minutes of being released.

@amalanafelt Argentina

@bl00mfelt ​​​​​​​  Canada

​​​​​​​​@prophet_of_bloom   Austraria 
@chiyokomyoseart Japan - U.S.

You can find out the story behind my chickens and the process of making here.

EXHIBITION @Crossroads Hotel Kansas City
April 22 - May 3rd 2022

Tuesday, April 26th / 6 pm​​​​​​​​

  シティガールファーム の「羽が集まる時 ―グローバルチキンコレクションー」のオープニングレセプションは大盛況でした。私のチキン、栄子と美名子も、他の10羽のチキンと一緒に、大勢の人たちにご挨拶していました。この一年越しのプロジェクトに様々な形で関わって下さった方々に、本当に感謝です。他のアーティストさんたちは皆さん海外在住なので、参加できたアーティストは私だけ。このショーを皆さんの分までしっかり見とどけなければ、と写真をいっぱい撮りました。カンザスシティのクロスローズアート地区にあるクロスローズホテルでの滞在、ホスピタリティを楽しむことができたのも感謝でした。
#whenfeatherscometogether #thecitygirlfarm #globalchickencollection #kansascity #シティガールファーム #羽が集まる時 #カンザスシティ

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The City Girl Farm's Show in Kansas City Opening Soon

     I'm excited and humbled to be included in this show with five other artists who are all masterful and incredible.  I love how the City Girl Farm brought us together from different parts of the world.  The opening reception is April 22 at Cross roads Hotel in Kansas City.  If you are in this area, hope you can check it out. 

The City Girl Farm
When Feathers Come Together’ ​​​​​​​​
A Global Chicken Collection​​​​​​​​
GERMANY • JAPAN • UK • USA​​​​​​​​
This special collection showcases the work of six fiber artists from around the world. We are honored to present this collaboration, expressing the joy and inspiration we experienced in coming together with these remarkable women. ​​​​​​​​
P L E A S E J O I N U S !​​​​​​​​
April 22nd - May 3rd, 2022​​​​​​​​
Friday, April 22nd / 5-7 pm​​​​​​​​
Tuesday, April 26th / 6 pm​​​​​​​​
2102 Central Street​​​​​​​​
Kansas City, MO 64108​​​​​​​​
@bl00mfelt ​​​​​​​

A R T I S T S 
CHIYOKO MYOSE | Japan/United States​​​​​​​​
We had the pleasure of collaborating with Chiyoko in person at our studio as she lives (relatively) close in Wichita, Kansas. We were touched by her intentionality in combining traditional kimono fabric with our felted fiber, creating chickens that artfully express the cultural hybridity she experiences every day as a Japanese American woman. Learning more about this traditional style of dress was fascinating. Thank you for sharing this experience with us, Chiyoko. - Sally ​​​​​​​​
Chiyoko Myose is originally from Japan, and now lives and works in Wichita, Kansas. She holds a BA in English Literature from Doshisha Women’s College in Kyoto, Japan, and a BFA in painting from Wichita State University, Wichita, KS. Her works are primarily painting and installation arts. For her installation arts, she often uses fiber materials and found objects.

Photo Credit: The City Girl Farm