Sunday, November 20, 2016

"Beyond the Surface" Show Reception

The reception of my solo exhibition at E. B. White Gallery was a blast!  Thank you very much to those of you who came!  I really had a great time visiting with people and meeting my old and new friends.  I am so thankful to E. B. White Gallery and the art department of Butler Community College for the reception.  Here are some photos.  

"Beyond the Surface"
Installations and paintings by Chiyoko Myose
Erman B. White Gallery
901 S. Haverhill Rd, El Dorado, Kansas 67042
Date:  Nov. 4 - Dec. 2, 2016  Mon - Fri. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Monday, November 14, 2016

"Beyond the Surface" at E. B. White Gallery

     The show at E.B. White Gallery is open now.   Installing the show went pretty fast thanks to a lot of help from the teachers and the art students at Butler Community College.  It was a great experience for me to have so many people to help.  The result is awesome!  I really love how the show looks.  For the first time, I am using sound effects and a video projection for my show.  The space appeals to many senses and has a feel of a sanctuary.   Here are some photos, but they really don't do justice.  Hope a lot of people will visit the show before it ends on Dec. 2.  


"Beyond the Surface"
Installations and paintings by Chiyoko Myose
Erman B. White Gallery
901 S. Haverhill Rd, El Dorado, Kansas 67042
Date:  Nov. 4 - Dec. 2, 2016  Mon - Fri. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Reception: Nov. 18, 2016, 6:00 - 8:00 pm