Monday, November 10, 2014

Roller Coaster Ride

Here are a couple of photos of my sculpture exhibited at the 2014 Arts Council Juried Exhibition at CityArts. The title is "Roller Coaster Ride."  I made it with a similar idea as my installation piece "Rewinding", using used video tape and paper cranes.  However, this piece has more aspects from the technique of crocheting.   When I was making it, it reminded me of the memory of taking a lesson in flower arrangement. (Sogetsu style, Japanese flower arrangement.)  The cranes were placed in the piece by my hand just like flowers were placed in the flower arrangement piece.  The artist's statement for this piece is here.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

2014 Arts Council Juried Art Exhibit

My Sculpture piece "Roller Coaster Ride" was accepted to the 2014 Arts Council Juried Art Exhibit at CityArts, Wichita, KS.  The exhibition is open from today.   This year's Juror is Dr. Stephen Gleissner, former curator of the Wichtia Arts Museum and current owner for Gleissner Appraisal.

334 N. Mead St. Wichtia, KS 67202
Final Friday Gallelry Opening:  Oct. 31, 2014, 5:00pm - 9:00pm